
Forge of empires can you have two of the same event buildings
Forge of empires can you have two of the same event buildings

forge of empires can you have two of the same event buildings

LMA and Progressive are both great camping eras earlier in the game and are great spots to stop level up buildings, and get your attack up. I made the mistake of camping in Iron Age for 9 months and the biggest regret about it was not having access to the Antiques Dealer. There are a ton of good attack buildings and sets you can get in there and you are doing yourself a big disservice by not jumping to EMA and gaining access to it.

forge of empires can you have two of the same event buildings

The antiques dealer is perhaps one of the most underrated aspects of the game.

  • Zen Zone - keep, the spring event will likely allow you to build those sets and they are decent for attack gain.
  • If you do have the main reward building at level 9, work on another settlement like aztecs or egypt for their attack buildings Only work on a second one if you don't have the Ygdrassil at level 9.
  • Greater rune stone - place it in city.
  • Sacred skywatch - if you have an abundance of space place them but if you're already tight on space sell them.
  • forge of empires can you have two of the same event buildings

  • Gate of the Sun God - Same as above for face of the ancient.
  • Face of the ancient - place the level twos in your city and don't sell the level ones (keep in inventory until you get another upgrade from GE).
  • Road to victory - place them all in your city.
  • Here's my take on all your buildings if you want to maximize your fighting ability:

    Forge of empires can you have two of the same event buildings